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Current situation of Russian foreign trade

Current situation of Russian foreign trade.jpg

      According to the report of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the foreign trade surplus in the period from January to April 2024 increased by 18 percent year-on-year.8 percent, to $50.5 billion。

      Exports were $135.1 billion, down 0. 0 percent year-on-year.3%;Imports were $84.6 billion, down 9 percent from a year earlier。

      Exports to European countries fell nearly 40 percent to $21 billion, and imports fell 19 percent.2 percent, or $22.2 billion。

      During the reporting period, Russian exports to Asian countries increased by 11 per cent to $101.4 billion, while imports from these countries decreased by 3 per cent to $56.6 billion。

      Exports to African countries increased by 32 percent to $7.8 billion, while imports decreased by 4.5 percent, or $1.1 billion。

      Russian exports to North and South American countries increased by 39 percent.6 percent, to $4.8 billion, and imports from these countries decreased by 18 percent.9 percent, or $4.5 billion。

      Within the export structure, products from the fuel and energy sector account for the largest share。During the reporting period, exports of these products increased 2.6%, or $84.7 billion。Metals and metal products ranked second, with exports of $17.7 billion, down 4.4%。Agricultural products ranked third。Agricultural exports were $14.2 billion, down 4. 4 percent year-on-year.8%。

      The largest import items are machinery, equipment and vehicles。Imports of these products were $42.8 billion in the January-April period, down 4. 4 percent from a year earlier.2%。Chemical industry import 16 billion dollars, down 19.8%;Imports of agricultural products were 11.5 billion US dollars, down by 8.6%。

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