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Customs data: Import and export statistics for August

        According to customs calculations, in the first eight months of this year, the total value of imports and exports of goods in China was 20.05 trillion yuan, down 0. 0 from the same period last year.6 per cent, down 1. 1 per cent from the previous seven months.One percentage point。In the meantime, export 11.05 trillion yuan, add 0.8%;Imports were 9 trillion yuan, down 2. 2 percent.3%;Trade surplus 2.05 trillion yuan, add 17.2%。

        In August, China's foreign trade import and export 2.88 trillion yuan, an increase of 6%。In the meantime, exit 1.65 trillion yuan, add 11.6%;进口1.23 trillion yuan, down 0.5%;Trade surplus 4,165.900 million dollars, add 74.4%。

        The proportion of general trade imports and exports increased。In the first 8 months, China's general trade import and export 12.09 trillion yuan, add 0.5%, accounting for 60% of our total foreign trade.3%, an increase of 0.5% over the same period last year.Seven percentage points。In the meantime, export 6.59 trillion yuan, add 2.5%;进口5.5 trillion yuan, down 1.7%。In the same period, processing transactions import and export 4.68 trillion yuan, down 6.7%。In the meantime, exit 2.97 trillion yuan, down 6.6%;进口1.71 trillion yuan, down 6.8%。In addition, China imports and exports by bonded logistics method 2.43 trillion yuan, add 4.8%。In the meantime, export 8285.500 million dollars, add 7.8%;进口1.6 trillion yuan, add 3.3%。

        Imports and exports to ASEAN, the European Union and Japan increased, while imports and exports to the United States decreased slightly。In the first 8 months, ASEAN was my largest trading partner, and the total value of my transactions with ASEAN was 2.93 trillion yuan, an increase of 7%, accounting for 14% of China's total foreign trade.6%。In the meantime, I exported 1.64 trillion yuan, add 6.9%;Imports from ASEAN 1.29 trillion yuan, add 7.1%;Trade surplus with ASEAN 3443.400 million dollars, add 6.2%。The EU is my second largest trading partner, with a total value of 2.81 trillion yuan, add 1.4%, accounting for 14% of our total foreign trade。In the meantime, I exported 1.72 trillion yuan, add 5.3%;Imports from the EU 1.09 trillion yuan, down 4.1%;Trade surplus with the EU 6,289.200 million dollars, add 26.9%。The United States is my third largest trading partner, and the total value of Sino-US transactions is 2.42 trillion yuan, down 0.4%, accounting for 12% of our total foreign trade.1%。In the meantime, I exported 1.87 trillion yuan, down 0.5%;5493 imported from the United States.200 million yuan, add 0.2%;Trade surplus with the US 1.32 trillion yuan, a cut of 0.8%。Japan is my fourth largest trading partner, and the total value of Sino-Japanese transactions is 1.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 1%, accounting for 7% of China's total foreign trade。During the period, exports to Japan were 6,387.200 million yuan, add 0.3%;Imported from Japan 7660.600 million yuan, add 1.6%;Trade deficit with Japan 1,273.400 million dollars, add 8.7%。

        The proportion of imports and exports of private enterprises increased。In the first 8 months, private enterprises import and export 9.21 trillion yuan, add 8.5%, accounting for 45% of our total foreign trade.9%, an increase of 3% over the same period last year.Nine percentage points。In the meantime, export 6.07 trillion yuan, add 8.3%, accounting for 54% of total exports.9%;进口3.14 trillion yuan, add 8.9%, accounting for 34% of total imports.9%。In the same period, foreign investment enterprises import and export 7.74 trillion yuan, down 4.3%, accounting for 38% of the total value of our foreign trade.6%。In the meantime, exit 4.01 trillion yuan, down 6.2%;进口3.73 trillion yuan, down 2.2%。In addition, state-owned enterprises import and export 3.02 trillion yuan, down 13.2%, accounting for 15% of our total foreign trade.1%。During the period, the export was 944.7 billion yuan, down by 10 percent.5%;进口2.08 trillion yuan, down 14.4%。

        Exports of mechanical and electrical products, textiles and plastic products increased, and clothing exports declined。In the first 8 months, China exported mechanical and electrical products 6.47 trillion yuan, add 2.1%, accounting for 58% of total exports.5%。In the meantime, automatic data processing equipment and its parts were exported 9014.800 million dollars, add 8.4%;手机4887.300 million dollars, add 8.9%。During the same period, 7,375 textiles including masks were exported.500 million dollars, add 37.8%;服装5813.300 million yuan, down 10.2%;Plastic products 3565.300 million dollars, add 14.5%;家具2343.900 million yuan, add 1.6%;Shoes and boots 152.4 billion yuan, down 25.2%;玩具1271.300 million yuan, down 1%;Bag 887.400 million yuan, down 26%。In addition, 3655 steel products were exported.70,000 tons, down 18.6%;Car (including chassis) 60.70,000 cars, a cut of 25.4%。

        Imports of iron ore, crude oil, coal, natural gas and soybeans are rising and prices are falling。In the first 8 months, China imported iron ore 7.600 million tons, an increase of 11%, with an average import price of 652 per ton.4 dollars, drop 0.2%;原油3.6.8 billion tons, add 12.1%, with an average import price of 2,306 per ton.$4, down 30.1%;煤2.2.1 billion tons, add 0.The average import price was 493 per ton.Five dollars, down eight.4%;Natural gas 6506.80,000 tons, add 3.3%, the average import price is 2,450 per ton.1 dollar, down 18.1%;大豆6473.90,000 tons, add 15%, the average import price is 2718 per ton.$8, down 0.4%;Primary shape of plastic 2623.40,000 tons, add 9.The average import price was 8,753 per ton.Five dollars, down 12.9%;Refined oil 2076.80,000 tons, add 1.The average import price was 2,890 per ton.1 dollar, down 23.7%;钢材1218.90,000 tons, add 59.6%, with an average import price of 5915 per ton.One dollar, down 27.6%;Unwrought copper and copper 427.20,000 tons, add 38.1%, the average import price is 4 per ton.$30,000, down 4.9%。In addition, imported mechanical and electrical products 4.05 trillion yuan, an increase of 2%。Among them, the integrated circuit 3334.600 million. Add 22.5%,价值1.51 trillion yuan, add 15.3%;Car (including chassis) 51.50,000 cars, a cut of 26.6%,价值1724.200 million yuan, down 21.6%。

Source: General Administration of Customs

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