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What do you know about the three risks of international trade import and export?

  Many people have heard that international trade is much more dangerous than domestic trade, but have no idea what the risks are。Today's major importers and exporters need to understand some international trade risks, we must pay attention to when conducting international goods trading oh。
  First, policy risks
  At this stage, with the gradual deepening of economic globalization, many local commodities have been gradually suppressed。In order to protect local businesses and maintain national stability, countries will also introduce some corresponding measures。Although tariff barriers have become more transparent in recent years as a means to protect domestic markets, many developed and developing countries still use technical trade barriers as a means to exclude foreign competitors from their markets。This policy risk is relatively a big environmental risk, so it is very difficult to avoid it completely。
International trade import and export
  Second, exchange rate risk
  Exchange rate risk refers to the risk caused by exchange rate changes due to different currencies used in the course of transactions。A weaker dollar, for example, would have a big impact on Chinese exporters。Under normal circumstances, such risks will be adjusted with changes in the economic market, so importers and exporters need to have a good ability to predict exchange rate changes in international trade, so as to make the best use of exchange rate benefits and avoid exchange rate risks。
  3. Operational risks
  Operational risk is one of the most important risks in international trade, and it is also one of the most easily avoided risks。This kind of risk is mainly caused by the fact that importers and exporters are not familiar with various risk terms。In international trade, there are many professional trade terms in various documents, if importers and exporters know nothing about these trade terms, it is easy to be fooled by the other side and pay some fees that should not be paid。Therefore, when carrying out international trade, importers and exporters should still have a corresponding understanding of some international trade terms, especially about some cost terms, so as to maximize their interests。
  In addition, the operational risk also includes some operational errors, such as the shipment of goods did not pay attention to whether the goods are dry, so it is easy to lead to their own goods in transit problems, to avoid such risks, or to pay more attention to their own。
  These are the three main types of risks in international trade。If you want to import and export goods smoothly, you need to pay special attention to these risks, and consciously prevent and control risks in the operation process, so as to ensure that your business can proceed smoothly。
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