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Beijing land wildlife artificial breeding and utilization management methods research will be held in our company

        The meeting mainly discussed the management and implementation methods of import, export and domestic captive breeding wild animals。

Municipal landscaping Bureau: Webmaster Zhang;Director Wen;Mr. Miao (Section 1);Professor Chan (Industry Expert)
Liu, Manager of Qiannuo International;Manager Testademi Wang;Cao, Manager of Leto MRT;
        The participants of the Municipal Landscape and Afforestation Bureau raised questions based on the current administrative license approval method and post-event supervision/quarantine inspection of wild animals and products/public disclosure of the approval results of the relevant administrative licenses obtained by your unit, and the representatives of the enterprises also expressed their different opinions and suggestions according to their actual situation。
Conference site pictures 
Conference site pictures

        The atmosphere at the meeting was harmonious and there were questions and answers, the Municipal landscape and Greening Bureau will establish a database of wildlife management, implement information management of the sale and use of wildlife products archives, make the market more orderly, and strictly crack down on illegal wildlife trading。

Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Import and export of terrestrial wildlife |  
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