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Cosmetics import and export solutions

Help customers reduce costs and improve efficiency

Record, approval, label design, layout, customs declaration, labeling and distribution one-stop service

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  •   First of all, for the import of cosmetics, we must first confirm the type and customs code of cosmetics to see whether it is necessary to approve and record。  Most categories require an application for a cosmetic approval document (known as a CFDA or SFDA filing) to be imported, such as masks, creams, serums, shampoos, foundation, lipstick, etc。Those that do not require approval include hand sanitizer (more than 50% antibacterial more than 80%), soap, toothpaste, aromatherapy, essential oils, semi-finished cosmetics, etc。  Approval of the record is divided into two categories, according to the production...……

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  •   First, precautions before importing cosmetics (must be done in advance) : 1.The label expands the document and the translation (word documents are translated one-to-one and need to be detailed in underlined form)2.Chinese label Fill in the form, all content must be complete and accurate。  3.Sales certificate of the same brand issued by foreign businessmen (if large brands are required)4.The customs declaration and food information form (food HS code and process list) overall import cosmetic procedures are as follows: 1....……

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