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Current Location: 首页 - Product case - Electromechanical chemical industry

Imported storage from Canada

Business information
        Product name: Memory
        Transaction country: Canada
        Transaction method: CIF Beijing

Imported storage from Canada
        I. Brief operation process:
        The goods were shipped from Canada to Beijing by FEDEX, and the customer provided the name, brand, model, quantity and contract amount of the goods。We draw up the acting agreement based on the relevant information。
        Prepare relevant customs declaration documents, including: acting agreement, foreign trade contract, commercial invoice, declaration and inspection power of attorney。
        If the customer is not in a hurry, then FEDEX customs clearance Department is responsible for customs clearance, if the customer is in a hurry to get the goods, then our bill of lading self-reported。

        After this order of goods out of customs, before delivery and customer settlement, and then to the customer delivery。


Link to this article: commissioned imported memory from Canada   
Reprint statement: This site publishes articles, for the original article reprint please indicate the source: Qiannuo International 

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