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Export anthocyanins by air to Toronto, Canada

        A company in Beijing purchased 50 kg of anthocyanins from a factory in Ningbo and prepared to export them to Toronto, Canada by air。However, the Beijing company does not have the right to import and export, so it is unable to collect foreign exchange and handle export procedures by itself, so we entrust our company Qiannuo Ark International Trade (Beijing) Co., Ltd. as their transaction agent and delivery agent to provide the whole one-stop export services such as foreign exchange collection, customs declaration, transportation and tax refund for this business。

Export anthocyanins by air to Toronto, Canada
1. Product analysis
        Anthocyanins belong to a chemical product and are in powder form。According to the requirements of the airline, if the chemical and powdered products are to be exported by air, it is necessary to make an air freight judgment, and according to the results stated in the judgment, the airline can confirm whether to accept or not。

Ii. Process
        First of all, our company first organized the air transport judgment statement, the demand to supply anthocyanin samples (supplied by a factory in Ningbo, the quantity according to the requirements of the judgment company) and the judgment request, can be requested in the name of the manufacturer or exporter, and pay the judgment fee。There are two types of decision statements, general and urgent, and the cost varies。About 2-3 working days after submitting the request and sample, we got the judgment statement and judged that the product is non-dangerous goods and suitable for air transport。
        After getting the judgment statement, book the cabin with the airline, organize the delivery according to the flight information, handle the export formalities such as customs declaration。After the goods arrived at Toronto Airport, the local consignee and customs clearance agent handled the customs clearance at the destination port in a timely manner and successfully got the goods。
        Since the payment method of foreign countries and customers is post-T /T, the Toronto customer will arrange to pay all the US dollar payment for the order to our account after receiving the goods, and our company will process the foreign exchange settlement after receiving the foreign exchange and pay all the payment for anthocyanin purchase to the factory in Ningbo, and we will also settle the remaining profit with the Beijing customer。We processed the tax refund procedure after receiving the invoice from Ningbo factory。This ticket business was successfully completed。

Three, special tips
        Air transport of goods is very strict requirements, such as your products are chemicals, powdered substances, liquids or batteries and other productsAir outletBe sure to check before you do it。


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