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"Gem Import Clearance" Sri Lanka gem import clearance process and required documents

 "Gem import Clearance" Sri Lanka gem import clearance process and required documents Sri Lanka is the world's main sapphire production of gems, recognized by the world as a gem kingdom。Sri Lanka is mainly famous for rubies, sapphires and cat's eyes, and the amount of Sri Lankan gems exported every year is also very large。Annual gem exports alone reach about 3 billion yuan。For an island country with a relatively small population and economic scale, the annual output value of the light gem industry is already very considerable。In recent years, Sri Lanka's domestic political situation has calmed down, and the government armed forces and the anti-government armed forces have reached a consensus, creating a peaceful social environment for Sri Lanka。Gem development link export connection has a mature industrial process。

  Sri Lanka gem import clearance required information

  1 Certificate of Origin

  2 Packing list



  5 Electronic customs declaration


  7 Elements of customs declaration

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Public account

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