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Adult milk powder import customs agent how to operate?

       Adult milk powder is a milk product specifically designed for adults to supplement nutrition。Because of different physical development reasons, the formula of adult milk powder and infant milk powder will be slightly different。Adult milk powder import customs agent how to operate?Please look down。
Adult milk powder import

Adult milk powder import declaration business process:
       (1) Samples of milk powder shall be provided by customers (7-10 cans per section) before shipment, so that the formula can be checked by the Inspection Bureau;Before the delivery of milk powder, customers provide product label design sketch, design and produce Chinese label translation in both Chinese and English;
       Ii. Signing。
       3. Pre-examination of imported milk powder labels and enterprise filing。
       4. The customer shall provide the original of foreign contracts, invoices, packing lists and relevant official certificates and other documents in advance。
       5. Arrange the loading ports of imported milk powder。
       6. Apply for automatic import license of milk powder according to the information provided by customers
       7. After the arrival of the goods at the port, it is necessary to promptly change the documents with the shipping company, declare the inspection and declare the customs。
       8. Arrange the shipment of milk powder shipped by the customs after the import tax bill is reviewed and released to the warehouse for commodity inspection。
       9. Arrange the customs officers of the commodity inspection Bureau to sample and test the imported milk powder for the record warehouse。
       10. The commodity inspection Bureau shall test the sampled milk powder samples and, after passing the inspection, issue a health certificate, allowing them to be sold and used。
When transporting adult milk powder abroad, importers should provide the following information:
       I. Milk powder packinglist, milk powder commercial invoice, milk powder purchasing and sales contract
       2. Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L)(provide discharge guarantee, such as discharge bill of lading)
       certificateoforigin of foreign milk powder, Certificate ofsanitary Quality of Milk powder
       4, packaging date certificate (milk powder), formula table (manufacturer) milk powder composition analysis
       V. Inspection report of the whole milk powder project (provided by the three inspection agencies of the producing country)
       Original foreign label of milk powder (each variety, different specifications), electronic foreign label


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