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What are the requirements for inspection of imported Russian beef?

  On October 18, 2019, the Russian Customs Service issued the Notice on Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Imported Beef (No. 83 of 2021).。The following is from ChinaImported Russian beefInspection and quarantine requirements。

  01 What is the basis of inspection and quarantine?

  Laws and regulations。

  Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementing Regulations, Import and Export Animal and Plant Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementing Regulations, Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementing Regulations,State laws, administrative regulations and other relevant laws and administrative regulations shall supervise and control the safety of food and other products,And other laws and regulations。

  Bilateral protocol

  Regulations of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervisory Authority of the Russian Federation on Inspection, Quarantine and Veterinary Hygiene of Beef Imported from Russia。

What are the requirements for inspection of imported Russian beef?

  02 What products are allowed to be imported?

  The approval for import of Russian beef refers to frozen or frozen boned or bone-in skeletal muscle that is less than 30 months old during slaughter。Edible by-products include frozen steak (chopped), frozen beef feet (unboxed), frozen beef tendon, frozen beef tendon, frozen beef tendon, frozen beef whip: and its unrefined body fat。

  China does not allow the import of minced meat, scraps, meat pieces, vertebrae, skulls and other unspecified by-products。

  03 What are the requirements of the production enterprise?zx

  Beef exported to the People's Republic of China (including slaughtering, sorting, processing and storage enterprises) from WHO certified FMD Non-immune areas and bovine nodular skin disease free areas。In accordance with the Regulations on Veterinary health and public Health of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation, Russia is officially supervised。

  According to the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Implementation of the Import and Export Animal and Plant Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China, producers of beef exports to China must be registered in China。Ban the production of unregistered beef for export to China。

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