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What is a bank draft let us understand its characteristics

I. Introduction

        Bank draft means a bill issued by the issuing bank and paid unconditionally to the payee or holder at sight according to the actual settlement amount。The drawing bank is the drawee of the bank draft。
        Bank draft in quadruple copies,The first link is a card,By issuing a clearing bill of exchange is to make an outward payment summons;The second is a bank draft,It is brought by the sender together with the third cancellation notice,The associated bank pays a summons to its current account after the paying bank has honoured the draft;Notice of third cancellation,Issued with the basis of the application after payment by the paying bank,Receipt of balance issued by signature;The fourth is the surplus notice,And pay to the remitter after signing and issuing。
        Units and individuals may use bank drafts for the settlement of all kinds of money。A bank draft can be used to transfer money, and a bank draft marked "cash" can also be used to withdraw cash。Where the applicant or the payee is a unit, the words "cash" may not be filled in on the "Application for bank draft"。
Ii. Characteristics
        Compared with other bank settlement methods, the bank draft settlement method has the following characteristics:
        1.Wide range of application
        Bank draft is a kind of settlement method widely used in the settlement of different places at present。This method of settlement is applicable not only to units, individual economic households and individuals who open bank accounts, but also to individual economic households and individuals who do not open bank accounts。Where units, individual economic households and individuals need to conduct commodity transactions, labor service supply, other economic activities and the settlement of claims and debts in different places, they may use bank drafts。And the bank draft can be used for both transfer settlement and cash withdrawal。
        2.Tickets go anywhere, money and goods are clear
        Bank draft settlement, the purchase unit to pay, the bank invoicing, the ticket with the person;The purchasing unit purchases the tickets, the sales unit checks the tickets and delivers the goods in one hand, and delivers the goods in one hand;Bank payment at sight, which can reduce the settlement link, shorten the settlement of funds in transit time, convenient buying and selling activities。
        3.High credit, safe and reliable
        Bank draft is a payment voucher issued by the bank after receiving the money from the remitter, so it has a high reputation, the bank guarantees the payment, the payee holds the bill, and can withdraw the money safely and timely to the bank。Moreover, the bank has a set of strict processing procedures and preventive measures, as long as the remitter and the bank seriously in accordance with the provisions of the settlement of bills of exchange, the remittance can ensure security。Once the bill is lost, if it is a cash bill, the remitter can report the loss to the bank, fill in the recipient unit and individual, the bank can help prevent the money from being claimed by others。
        4.Use flexible, adaptable
        The implementation of bank draft settlement, the bearer can endorse the bill of exchange transfer to the sales unit, can also be handled through the bank to withdraw or transfer, in addition to the use of mail transfer, telegraphic transfer or re-handle the transfer of money, which is conducive to the purchase of goods in the market flexibly。
        5.Accurate settlement, balance automatically returned
        Generally speaking, it is difficult for the purchasing unit to accurately determine the specific purchase amount, so the occurrence of less foreign exchange is inevitable。In some cases, the excess funds are often not cleared for a long time, causing inconvenience and losses to the purchasing unit。The use of bank draft settlement will not occur, the unit with a bank draft purchase, where in the remittance amount of the draft, can be paid according to the actual purchase amount, excess money will be automatically returned by the bank。This can effectively prevent the occurrence of trade arrears。


Link to this article: What is a bank draft let's look at its features  
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