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Current Location: 首页 - Product case - Industrial product

Japan Mitsubishi grader parts agent import

Business information

  Product name: Mitsubishi Grader pure accessories
  Trading Country: Japan
  Transaction method: C&F Beijing
Japan Mitsubishi grader parts agent import
 I. Operation process:
  When the customer needs to order, to the foreign representative office in Beijing inquiry, after the admission of the order, the customer will send the foreign quotation to our company, our company according to the information on the quotation and foreign trade import contract and customer to sign the import agency agreement。
  After the customer signs the agreement to pay for the goods, our company will convert the goods into Japanese yen to pay foreign investors, and require foreign goods ready to ship as soon as possible。
  After receiving the payment for goods, the goods are ready to be shipped to Beijing by EMS. After getting the waybill issued by the foreign company, our company will contact the EMS customs broker for customs declaration, and prepare agency agreement, foreign trade contract, invoice and other documents。
  EMS customs declarationThe speed is relatively fast, and it is required to settle in cash as far as possible, so as to save time。
  After the goods arrive at our company, we settle with the customer, and the customer arranges to pick up the goods。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Japan Mitsubishi grader parts agent import | Mitsubishi Grader accessories
Reprint statement: This site publishes articles, for the original article reprint please indicate the source: Qiannuo International 

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