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Cases of tariff reduction and increase on imported US cosmetics

I. Brief Introduction
      Imported cosmetics because there are many links involved,A lot of information required,It is often considered a complex business,A customer came to our company to inquire about importing a batch of cosmetics from the United States,It is well known that there is currently a trade war between China and the United States,There will be tariffs on imports of American products,Our company in the next operation not only to help customers import smoothly but also to help customers reduce part of the tariff。

Cosmetic material map
Ii. Process
      First the customer providedCosmetic import record certificate, product formula, packaging translation documents and other materials for customs clearance preparation,Secondly, the goods are not labeled in Chinese when they are shipped from abroad,In this case, on entry declaration,It is necessary to provide the inspection and quarantine agencies with labels that meet the national standards or the label consultation report of the official identification agency,The quarantine agency will issue the inspection and quarantine certificate afterwards,Otherwise the goods will not be able to enter the market。So we asked the official agency to design the label, and after the label was designed, we began to arrange the transportation of the goods。
      Next, we assisted the customer to apply for the review of the US tariff reduction and exemption, and after the goods arrived at the port and the US tariff reduction and exemption, we began to submit the prepared documents to the customs for formal declaration。
      After the customs release, our company arranged the team to send the goods to the designated warehouse of the inspection and quarantine organization for inspection. After the label review, all the labels were pasted in the warehouse。After labeling, the goods are delivered to the customer。
      Finally, about half a month or so, the customer can get the inspection and quarantine certificate issued by the inspection and quarantine agency, so that the customer can carry out the sales activities of the goods。
Third, the difficulty of importing cosmetics in the United States:
      1, in the processing of all kinds of documents。
      2. Planning and review of commodity labels。
      3. How to deal with the increase of tariffs on US products smoothly and smoothly。
      Our company has many years of acting cosmetics import experience so that the seemingly messy cosmetics import can be orderly in each process, the perfect connection makes the timeliness and cost reduction, so that our customers less worry, more peace of mind, welcome to call our company。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Cases of tariff reduction and increase on imported US cosmetics |  
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